Here is to a conflict and drama free year!

What a glorious weekend full of art, music, food, canoeing, dance and love.

The Preservation Framer Art Gallery event was deliciously perfect!  Well attended by friends and family, such colorful characters!  Much love but the best part was that two of my pieces sold THAT NIGHT!  Aside from the financial reward, the irony and metaphoric playfulness was just absolutely PERFECT!  From there, we went to Providence to play a show at The Dorrance with the theme of Gods, Goddesses and dance.  It was if the evening was choreographed to produce the very best in all of us.

I had several photography shoots, followed by amazing meals the next day.  I even got a sun drenched motorcycle ride in!  Life rules!  A carefree day followed with a canoe float with my buddies Joe and Steve in the Aaron Reservoir of Hingham.  cold beers, fresh air, loads of laughter and exercise all blended together perfectly.  Such great guys!

I am blessed to have my one and precious life.

I hope that you are too.